Types of leather
The finished leathers can be divided in three major groups according to their surface structure, namely full-grain, suedes and split leather.
Full-grain (smooth leather)
They represent the biggest group of the finished leathers. The grown final layer of the corium, the grain read more...
Sie sind durch das Abtrennen der den Narben tragenden Schicht auf beiden Außenflächen rau.
Split leathers need to get an altogether thicker finish layer in order to get a surface comparable to finished full-grains as the rough split surface has to be covered.
Coated split leathers are laminated with a foil in contrast to the top coats that are built-up through step-by-step layers.
Suede split leathers are mostly buffed on the upper split side so that also in this case a check of the flesh-side is possible which will indicate if a flesh- or middle-split is present.
This general term contains all types of leather with a buffed usage side.
Amongst them are suede, nubuk and buckskin leathers. It is basically irrelevant if the suede types are produced from full-grains or splits or from different hides / animals.
The flesh side (the side pointing towards the body of the animal) is buffed/sueded during the production of suedes.
Leather that has been buffed from the grain-/hair-side in a way so that the natural grain pattern is still visible but a silky-soft, fine-buffed surface with short fibres is generated.
Buckskin is the buffed full-grain of treated deer, reindeer, kangaroo, antelope, gazelle, elk, buffalo and chamois skins. It is used as clothing, bag-maker and shoe-upper leather.